Couch-to-5K Running Training Plan for Beginning Runners

Couch-to-5K Running Training Plan for Beginning Runners

Written By: Bill Reifsnyder — Superfeet Wellness Panel Member. Bill Reifsnyder is the founder of Camp Runabout, the only adult summer camp for runners on the planet, and is committed to helping runners of all ages and abilities achieve their goals and get the most out of their training plans. Bill is a former professional runner and holds the third fastest time ever run by an American for 10 miles (46:32).

This 5k training plan is designed for beginner runners, with the assumption that you do not currently run at all. The goal of this 5K training plan is to help you understand how to train for a 5K and, in the end, successfully take you from couch to 5K (3.1 miles).

BONUS: Follow the Superfeet Facebook page and send us a direct FB message with a photo of your 5K race bib after you finish. We'll send you a code for 20% off your next pair of Superfeet insoles!

March 19, 2019

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